Admin2022-05-23T05:29:32+00:00We all know that every child comes to this world with his/her unique set of skills. No one else can develop these talents or express them exactly the same way that one particular child can do. The odds that another person with the same unique combination of characteristics and qualities, will ever be born, are more than 50 billion to one.
The unfortunate part of this revelation is that most of the people in this world are not even aware of the skills and talents they bring to the table, and as a result live an ordinary life, thereby missing an opportunity to become extra ordinary. With our unique activity based, holistic academic programme for students of 3 to 8 years age group we at DMA provide ample chances to uncover the children’s talents and inherent abilities thereby helping them to their purpose, which in turn will take them on the path of the greatest happiness. It is imperative to know why this age bracket has been rightly called ‘foundation stage’. Over 85% of child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of six indicating the criticality of appropriate care and stimulation of the brain in the early years, to ensure healthy brain development & growth.

The children who are exposed to a holistic learning programme from the age of 3 years definitely become better learners and better performers at a later stage.
Children are born curious and that is why they ask endless questions mostly beginning with ‘why’. It is therefore commonsense to encourage curiosity. In the school this curiosity is well handled by trained teachers. It is important that the parents handle the questions of their wards with patience and care.
Another important factor is that the foundation of one’s personality is laid in the early years. Values inculcated and behaviours emulated are of prime importance.
The quality of life a child lives in his formative years determines his future personality and happiness. The children who are raised with an abundance of affection, love, some elementary knowledge and encouragement would tend to develop a positive self esteem and a stable personality.
Children learn from family members and also from the right environment. The trained teachers and the perfect ambience at the school shape the destiny of our future generations.
Being with peer group, playing together, painting with their hands and balancing on the bars, getting their first pottery lessons or writing in the sand, eating and laughing together, reciting prayers, having fun in care of trained teachers and counsellors should be enough to lure the young children to the school. Once this love is developed and the habits of thinking, asking questions, learning by doing are inculcated the child is ready for life long learning.
Curious minds, inquisitive learners, fun filled ambience and grooming by trained teachers coupled with abundant love & encouragement at home lays the foundation for a happy and confident, personality, ready to explore and approach life with a healthy & problem solving attitude. These seeds if sown with patience and care will bear sweet fruit in the form of balanced citizens and a more harmonious world.
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